Pine Forests
Pine Forests are one of three forest types found in The Bahamas. The dominant species is Caribbean Pine, also known as Yellow Pine, and they are found only on the four northernmost islands - Grand Bahama, Abaco, Andros and New Providence. These trees are members of a large tree family known as conifers, which characteristically produce cones. The Caribbean Pine has scaly bark and needle-like leaves. This ecosystem is important as it supports a large variety of globally imperiled and rare species, including endemics.
Bird Watching Sheet for Field Trip​
Check off birds that you see on your trip to the pine forest! Can also be used in your backyard if you live on a pine island near the pine forest.
From our Partners:
Here we have highlighted some resources from our partners in environmental education that relate to birds in The Bahamas. Check it out below!
Bahamas National Trust Pine Forest Fact Sheet
In this fact sheet, you'll learn the description, status and importance of Bahamian pine forests.
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